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About Dr. Lynn Lightfoot, Serving Oakville, Ontario


Thank you for visiting my website. I’m Dr. Lynn Lightfoot, B.A. Hon., M.A.Sc., Ph.D., C. Psych.

I am dedicated to providing the highest level of psychological services to you.

My professional education and qualifications include:

  • Ph.D. (Psychology), University of Waterloo
  • M.A.Sc. (Applied Science, Psychology), University of Waterloo
  • Certificate of Registration as a Psychologist
  • Member, Canadian Psychological Association
  • Member, Ontario Psychological Association
  • Canadian Register of Health Science Providers in Psychology
  • Designated Capacity Assessor

Dr. Lynn Lightfoot’s Biographical Information

Dr. Lynn Lightfoot received her undergraduate degree from Queen’s University and completed her Masters of Applied Science, as well as her Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Waterloo. She served as the Research Director at the Treatment Program Development Research Project at Queen’s University before joining the Addiction Research Foundation for 10 years, first as the Centre Director and then the Regional Director.

For the last 25 years, Dr. Lightfoot has worked as an independent consultant and practitioner. She has authored over 50 scientific articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, and government reports in the field of substance abuse. Dr. Lightfoot has also specialized in the development and evaluation of substance abuse treatment programs for forensic population. She has an interest in the interface between psychology and the law, and conducts Risk Assessments, as well as Psycho-Legal Reports for the courts. Dr. Lightfoot has been a member of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission, the Liquor Licence Board, and the Gaming Control Commission. She is a member of the Ontario Review Board.

I’m Ready to Help

I provide help for a number of mental health problems. If my psychological or consulting services would be helpful to you, please make an appointment. I look forward to meeting you.

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